E2 and You: Cultivating Wonder. Creating Legacy.

"In Wildness lies the preservation of the world..." ~ Thoreau
Hi all,

It has been a great start to the school year and we are thrilled with the progress of Laurel Mountain Elementary's bold step forward as "A School of Enrichment and the Environment," (aka - "E2").

E2 and You:  Talk and Walk

Thanks to so many of you who have joined me on an E2 and You "talk and walk" session to tour our new spaces and learn more about how we seamlessly connect "the Environment" with our success using the Schoolwide Enrichment Model (over 100 people!).  If you've not signed up for an E2 and You session, there is still time -- I'll host one more sessions this week:
  • Friday 9/22/2017 - 8 a.m.
Please RSVP here to help us plan appropriately.

Join other parents and see how our outdoor spaces shape academic achievement and human development...
And how students will learn math, force, and metamorphosis... through the eyes of a fish...
And how student learning and cultural connections come alive in The Hive...
And we'll incorporate nature play and ecology in the new rain garden in The Grove...

...and build confidence in the wildness next door in the Nature to Neighborhood Studio

Excellence Fund:  Investing in Your Child's Future

The Schoolwide Enrichment Model is funded by parent donations and corporate matching through the LME Excellence Fund. Our fundraising goal is $70,000 per year and we were fortunate to have over 80% of our families financially support the SEM Excellence Fund last year. When you break down the budget for the Schoolwide Enrichment Model, it costs approximately $100/year per child with 100% family participation.

The money raised during our Excellence Fund Campaign provides for:
  • learning resources for daily curricular activities in the classrooms;
  • learning resources for Enrichment Clusters;
  • technology needs (computers, cameras, etc.);
  • professional development for our staff;
  • salary for Enrichment Administrator; and
  • investment in innovative learning spaces and experiences.
Only with the support from our parents and community are we able to create this unique learning environment where every child thrives and succeeds. To help continue cultivating your child’s strengths and interests, please follow this link to make your online donations today!

Cultivating Wonder.  Creating Legacy.

In the first few weeks of school, teachers engaged in professional development related to the E2 framework, we had a visit from Dr. Flores, and we all learned more about our students, their strengths, interests, and how our classes and community will be able to best help them grow, develop, and achieve.  It is going to be a great year and I look forward to working with you as we support our children on their path towards success in a better, more informed tomorrow.

Thank you.

Teacher PD included engineering, construction, conservation, crafts, cuisine, and cultures

Dr. Flores taking time to listen to our students from the start.

G2 giving us the "Rule of Thumb"


Mr. Hance


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